Century College’s Bias Incident Response

The Century community aspires to create an environment that is inclusive and safe for all members of the community. Our campus will always be a place of hope and opportunity where all students – no matter who they are or what community they come from – can feel welcome, feel safe to learn and feel free to express their hopes, their dreams, and their ideas.

Bias incidents undermine our campus’ efforts toward equity and inclusion. They limit our community’s ability to excel in our teaching and learning, and our service to our communities and state. They also impede free and open discourse and our ability to know and learn from one another. Biased and hateful expression causes harm and fractures in our communities that must be addressed.

 What is a bias incident?

A bias incident is an act of bigotry, harassment, or intimidation that is motivated in whole or in part by bias based on an individual’s or group’s actual or perceived race, color, creed, religion, national origin, gender, age, marital status, disability, public assistance status, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. Bias often stems from fear, misunderstanding, hatred, and stereotypes and may be intentional or unintentional.


Anti-Bias Commitment

Century College commits to enhancing Minnesota’s quality of life by developing and fostering understanding and appreciation of a diverse society and providing equal opportunity for all its students and employees. Incidents of bias undermine this commitment and do not align with the Mission or Values of Century College. Through the Bias Incident Response Team, Century College affirms our commitment to address bias incidents, educate community members, and provide support to those impacted.

Incident Reports

Spring 2023  - Below is a summary of incidents reported through the bias reporting process between April 4th and July 31st, 2023.

*Note: The bias incident reporting process was introduced campus-wide on April 4, 2023

Incident Date Location Type Request for BIRT Contact? Action Taken
3/20/2023 East Campus Bias based on Religion Yes Formal process initiated
4/30/2023 Online Bias unknown Not necessary Referred to appropriate department/supervisor
5/4/2023 Online Bias based on Race Yes Referred to appropriate department/supervisor

Report a Bias Incident