Articulated College Credit
Articulated college credit courses are career and technical education courses students can take while still attending high school. These courses are an early credit strategy designed to support student transitions from secondary to post-secondary programs and direct entry into the workforce. Earning articulated college credits is a great way to begin your college career while still attending high school. Learn more about high schools that have articulated courses with Century College.
Century in the High School
Century in the High School, a concurrent enrollment program, offers high school students the opportunity to earn college credit while taking courses in their high school. High School teachers apply to teach the college courses at the high school. If Century College approves the teacher application, high school students can enroll in these courses at their high school and receive college credit from Century. This allows students to start their college journey earlier and for no cost. Find out if your high school participates and and what courses are offered!
Post Secondary Enrollment Options
Post-Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) offers high school sophomores, juniors and seniors in public, non-public, or home schools the opportunity to take college courses at eligible post-secondary institutions. You can earn high school credit, and then following high school graduation, transfer your completed PSEO coursework as college credits.
Supplemental Enrollment
The supplemental enrollment process is for high school sophomores, juniors and seniors who are interested in registering for courses at Century College but are either ineligible for the PSEO program or are interested in taking summer courses.
Supplemental enrollment is not an open-enrollment program. Students must meet minimum criteria in order to be eligible and courses are offered on a space-available basis only.
Early Middle College
An Early Middle College Program (EMC) allows high school students to earn dual high school and college credits with well-defined pathways towards earning a postsecondary degree or credential in addition to a high school diploma.
Early Middle College Programs are partnerships between State-Approved Alternative Programs (SAAP) and eligible postsecondary institutions designed to serve and support students in the academic middle - especially low-income, English Language Learners, first generation college students, and/or students of color.
3M Advanced Training Center - SPPS Students
Saint Paul Public Schools students can explore Century’s Cybersecurity Pathway through the 3M Advanced Training Center.