Earning money while going to school helps to finance your education while providing you with the opportunity to become a valuable part of the campus community. Research indicates that students who work part-time on-campus achieve a higher grade point average and it promotes degree completion.

Explore the importance of student employment and the many opportunities for learning, both on and off campus. Students are paid starting $15 an hour and can work up to 20 hours a week when classes are in session.

Student Employment Eligibility Criteria

  • Must have submitted the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and been awarded financial aid at Century College.
  • Must be enrolled in at least 6 credits each semester with the exception of summer semester.
  • Must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) as outlined by the Financial Aid Office.
  • All students seeking employment must also establish they are eligible for employment in the United States by the guidelines administered through the U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services.

Finding a Job

  1. In your myCentury account, click on Students and then select “Student Employment” under Resources. There you will find our current job openings as well as information about eligibility for Student Employment.
  2. Contact the hiring supervisor listed on the job posting to inquire about their open position. You may want to visit Career Services for resources on resume writing and interview tips.
  3. Once you have been offered a position, obtain a Student Employment Packet from the Financial Aid Office.
  4. Complete the Student Employment Packet and submit it to the Financial Aid Office with the acceptable I-9 documents.
  5. You cannot begin working until you receive the Student Employment Allocation Notice from the Financial Aid Office. This will authorize you to work at a specific pay rate for a designated earning amount and period of time. You will be paid bi-weekly by submitting completed electronic timesheets.

Benefits of Student Employment

  • Students are eligible for Bridge to Benefits (see Resource and Support Center for information).
  • Students are eligible for Tuition Match.
  • Students earn money to help pay for college expenses, reducing the need to take out loans.
  • Students learn job search skills.
  • Students gain valuable work experience.
  • Students have the opportunity to create good references for future job searches.