Earning money while going to school helps to finance your education while providing you with the opportunity to become a valuable part of the campus community. Research indicates that students who work part-time on-campus achieve a higher grade point average and it promotes degree completion.
Explore the importance of student employment and the many opportunities for learning, both on and off campus. Students are paid starting $15 an hour and can work up to 20 hours a week when classes are in session.
Student Employment Eligibility Criteria
- Must have submitted the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and been awarded financial aid at Century College.
- Must be enrolled in at least 6 credits each semester with the exception of summer semester.
- Must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) as outlined by the Financial Aid Office.
- All students seeking employment must also establish they are eligible for employment in the United States by the guidelines administered through the U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services.
Finding a Job
- In your myCentury account, click on Students and then select “Student Employment” under Resources. There you will find our current job openings as well as information about eligibility for Student Employment.
- Contact the hiring supervisor listed on the job posting to inquire about their open position. You may want to visit Career Services for resources on resume writing and interview tips.
- Once you have been offered a position, obtain a Student Employment Packet from the Financial Aid Office.
- Complete the Student Employment Packet and submit it to the Financial Aid Office with the acceptable I-9 documents.
- You cannot begin working until you receive the Student Employment Allocation Notice from the Financial Aid Office. This will authorize you to work at a specific pay rate for a designated earning amount and period of time. You will be paid bi-weekly by submitting completed electronic timesheets.
Benefits of Student Employment
- Students are eligible for Bridge to Benefits (see Resource and Support Center for information).
- Students are eligible for Tuition Match.
- Students earn money to help pay for college expenses, reducing the need to take out loans.
- Students learn job search skills.
- Students gain valuable work experience.
- Students have the opportunity to create good references for future job searches.