Fall Sessions II and III

A collage of various students applying their technical skills in their field.

Application fee

There’s Still Time to Enroll for Fall Semester!

Why wait until Spring? With Century College’s flexible Fall Semester start dates on September 23 and October 21, you can jumpstart your education and take control of your future now. Choose from a wide range of affordable, transferable general education courses that fit your schedule and budget. Whether you’re looking to earn credits that transfer seamlessly to a four-year university or start a new career path, Century College offers the quality education you need – at a fraction of the cost. Don’t miss out – your future starts this Fall at Century College!

(view course schedule)

Fall Semester Session II begins September 23, and Session III on October 21!

College is affordable at Century College!

A majority of our students receive federal and state financial aid. Between financial aid, scholarships, student success programs with financial support, and academic awards for new students, Century College students earn their degrees or take courses while avoiding student loan debt.

As a two-year public community and technical college, Century College receives funding from the State of Minnesota, keeping tuition rates significantly lower than private colleges and universities.

With low tuition rates and financial aid options, most students graduate and/or transfer from Century College with little to no debt.

Tuition Cost per Credit Comparison: Century College $206, University of MN-TC $555, Private Colleges & Universities $1,416-Minnstate.edu

Tuition is frozen through Spring 2025.

Exciting news! It’s a great time to enroll at Century College!
Our tuition rates will be frozen at Century College through Spring 2025!



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