
June 20, 2023

“The Orthotics and Prosthetics field is continuing to innovate, and now is a good time to get into it. It’s a mixture of engineering and art, and you’re able to help others and make a big difference in their lives. It’s a very rewarding field.”

Century College student Joshua East has always been committed to helping and serving others. When this Kansas State grad (and military reservist) finished his BA in Kinesiology, he looked for a new field where he could combine a sports background. He found a perfect fit with Century College’s Orthotics and Prosthetics program.

Century College’s Unique Partnership with Concordia University

Joshua is currently working on his Master’s degree through a unique partnership between Century College and Concordia University. “I spent the last academic year at Century College, working on the technical aspects of my degree program, and will be at Concordia in the fall. The next year will be all online—and that will include 3 weeks of intensives – working in the lab with clients and patient models,” Joshua says.

He enjoys the convenience of online courses. (Joshua took some General Education classes through Century. “They were good, easy to navigate, more affordable than other places, and they fit well with my schedule,” he says.)

In addition, Joshua has also gained valuable experience working at Limb Lab in Rochester, MN. In July, he will be working at the Minneapolis VA Medical Center. “Orthotics and Prosthetics is a niche field, and it’s a tightknit community,” Joshua observes. “Our faculty integrate their industry partners in the learning. They come in and give presentations, so there’s a built-in networking component”

A Commitment to Hard Work and Service to Others

A lifelong learner, education is very important to Joshua, and he’s dedicated to his new field. In May, he was recognized for his hard work when he earned the Outstanding Student Award at Century College in Orthotics and Prosthetics.

Shortly afterwards, he flew to Washington, DC to attend the American Orthotic and Prosthetic Association (AOPA) Policy Conference, where he had the opportunity to talk with legislators about bills related to the field. “AOPA is a great organization. They do great advocacy work for amputees and clinicians,” Joshua notes.

With his high energy, passion and devotion to Orthotics and Prosthetics, Joshua will continue to excel in his chosen field. He doesn’t know if he’ll return to Kansas in the near future, but he hopes to remain in the Midwest. No matter where his career takes him, he’s well prepared for a rewarding career, and continuing his life of service to others.

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