
May 05, 2021

So many things happening in May at Century College campus!

Century College Plant Sale - The Horticulture program announces its FINAL Plant Sale! May 5th - May 8th from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm.  Located at the greenhouses on the northeast side of the East Campus. 

Final Exams - May 8 -13 - Good Luck on your exams. YOU GOT THIS! “It always seems impossible until it is done” ~ Nelson Mandela

Library Hours During Finals - Monday - Thursday, 10am - 4pm. Friday, 10am-Noon.

Drive-In Movie - May 13 - PAC is hosting a FREE DRIVE-IN movie! 8:30pm for Century students and employees. Register here!

Graduation - May 14 - Century College will be hosting a virtual graduation this year for graduates from Summer 2020, Fall 2020, and Spring 2021. The virtual graduation ceremony will be hosted on Friday, May 14, 7pm on the Graduation 2021 webpage.

Summer Semester Begins - May 24

Memorial Day - May 31 - College Closed - Have a fun and safe holiday!

*For full listing of events, check the College’s Main Calendar here.

“Life is like riding a bicycle.  To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” ~ Albert Einstein