January 19, 2021White Bear Lake, MN - Century College is one of four regional colleges to respond to a request by Governor Walz for State workers to fill a shortage for trained health care volunteers. The campuses offering training include Century College, St Paul College, Anoka Ramsey and Riverland Community College.
Because of the pandemic, skilled nursing and assisted living homes across Minnesota have faced critical staffing shortages, leaving many facilities in critical situations where residents may be at risk. The National Guard had responded, but could not keep up with the rising demand. Consequently, the National Guard and Healthforce MN, a MN State Center for Excellence, contacted the MN State system office and asked for help from the college campuses. Healthforce MN created the curriculum and the Health Training Network has implemented it.
“We’ve had a tremendous response, and our classes are filling up fast,” says Lynnette Lancor, Health Careers Program Manager, Century College Continuing Education and Customized Training. “However, this training is not a substitute for nursing assistant training and the emergency training does not certify the volunteer in any way to work as a certified nursing assistant. This is basic health care so to assist where emergency staffing is needed.” Lancor is also serves as President of the Health Training Network, (HTN) for the state of MN.
Helen Tinucci, RN and instructor for Century College’s Continuing Education and Customized Training, volunteered to teach the emergency health worker class on short notice. ”We are here to help and it’s my job to get as many people trained to help out during this difficult time.”
State workers have responded to this need by signing up for this Basic Health Care training. The training is 12 hours, 8 hours asynchronous learning in D2L and 4 hours hands-on skills at the host campus. The expectation is the need for emergency workers will continue into the early spring until all are vaccinated and more people return to the work force.
For more information or to sign up, contact Lynette Lancor at 651-779-3902 or