
February 27, 2019

An anonymous alum shares their story:

Degree: Associate of Arts

Which college did you attend? Lakewood

Year graduated: 1971

Where are you now? Living in Maplewood.

How are you helping transform the lives of others?

I went on to attend Mankato State College from September 1971 to December 1973, receiving a BS Degree in Social Work, and worked as a Social Worker in various agencies.  I retired from Dakota County Social Services in 2014, as an Adult Protection SW/Adult Services SW, after 25 plus years working there.

What is your favorite Century College memory?

I loved being in the choir and Lakewood Singers (which we had to audition for), with Dr. Zdedlick.  I loved going to the U of M Cam at the headwaters of the Mississippi River, with Mr. Larson, science teacher.  Mr. Egge was a wonderful English teacher, and Mr. Dicke was a wonderful Geography teacher. Our class met both at an old Elementary school and First Presbyterian Church, in the Fall of 1969. Then in 1970, we moved to the new Lakewood State Junior College building, which wasn’t yet completed. My twin sister and I met some other students in 1969, and then in 1970, who we are still good friends with. The professors were always very approachable. I loved my two years at Lakewood.

Anything else you would like to share?

Dr. Zdedlick - Choir Director Extraordinaire - he was a wonderful choir director, patient, and we really had an awesome choir and Lakewood Singers group.