
July 05, 2017

Century College is excited to welcome new President Angelia Millender! President Millender began her term at Century College on July 1, 2017. 

President Millender was first introduced to the Century College community on March 22, 2017 following her appointment by the Board of Trustees of Minnesota State Colleges and Universities. 

“I am excited.  I am humbled.  I am honored to be the next president of such a great institution.  I could not ask for anything more. I believe we are going to be greater than great,” shared President Millender at the March 22 College presentation.

“I want us to share this leadership together, because we are stronger together than we are apart. We are more alike than different.” added President Millender. ”And we come together on a common thread that cannot be broken and cannot be cut…  And that is our passion, our advocacy, our tireless commitment to helping students.  And when we can meet there, nothing else matters.”

Previously, President Millender served Olive-Harvey College (IL) as President; Broward College (FL) as district vice president for student affairs and enrollment management; Berkeley College (NY) as campus operations officer/dean of student development and external affairs; and Robert Morris University as vice president of student services, dean of student services, director of career planning and placement, and as a member of the faculty. She holds a bachelor’s degree from Chicago State University and a master’s from National Louis University (IL).