Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC)

A single student was alone on the walking bridge at Century College. Heading towards the East Campus Library. 

The Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC) is an agreement signed by all Minnesota public higher education institutions. It is a collaborative effort among all two-and four-year public colleges and universities in Minnesota to help you transfer your work in general education. When you complete the MnTC at one of the participating colleges/universities and then transfer to any other Minnesota public baccalaureate degree-granting university, you will have fulfilled all lower-division general education requirements. Within the 40 credits required, there are ten goals.

You may transfer the MnTC in each of the following ways:

  1. As an entire package: If you complete the transfer curriculum at one institution, it will be accepted as completion of the transfer curriculum at Century College.
  2. As a goal area: completion of a goal area of the MnTC at one institution will be accepted as a goal completion at Century College.
  3. As courses within goal areas: If you complete a course that is included as part of a goal area at the sending institution, it will be accepted for full credit within the same goal area at Century College. When a course you have taken meets requirements for two different goal areas at a sending institution, the course will be accepted in transfer at Century College for the same two goal areas. If you would like more information, please refer to the Loading….

MnTC Distribution Requirements for the AA Degree (or MnTC Notation)​

Goals Description
Goal 1 Communication: Minimum of 10 credits, including ENGL 1021, ENGL 1022, and at least one 3-credit Communication course from COMM 1021, 1031, 1041, or 1051
Goal 2 Critical Thinking: Fulfilled when all MnTC goals are complete.
Goal 3 Sciences: Minimum of 7 credits. Two courses from two different disciplines, with at least one traditional lab course.
Goal 4 Math/Logical Reasoning: Minimum of 3 credits. Courses must be numbered between MATH 1020 and 1082 or PHIL 1041.
Goal 5 History/Social and Behavioral Sciences: Minimum of 9 credits. Three courses from three different disciplines.
Goal 6 Humanities and Fine Arts: Minimum of 9 credits. Three courses, at least one of which must be a literature course, from three different disciplines.
Goals 7 - 10* Theme Goals: 3 credits in each of four Goals 7-10.

*May be fulfilled by courses from Goals 1-6, since many of those courses also meet Goals 7-10, or can be fulfilled with additional courses listed separately under Goals 7-10.

If you fulfill the 10 goal areas in fewer than 40 semester credits, select courses within any of the goals to achieve a 40-credit total. For goal course options, see the Loading…

Plan Ahead

Any student who anticipates transferring to a four-year school should plan an appropriate program (both general education and major requirements) with one of the counselors prior to, and during, enrollment at Century College.

Associate in Arts Degree

Although the AA degree is a general liberal arts degree and no specific major is listed in conjunction with the degree, many students choose to concentrate in a particular field of study as preparation for a planned major at a four-year college or university.

At least 40 of the 60 credits must be taken within the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC).

Transfer into Century College

All college-level courses in which a student has received a grade of A, B, C, D, or P/S will be considered for transfer into Century. Grades of A through D transfer for the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC). Completion of the 40-credit MnTC requires a cumulative 2.0 GPA. While D grades transfer, some specialized/occupational/technical programs require courses to have a grade of C or higher to fulfill requirements. No F-grade courses will be accepted. Transfer course grades will not be used in computing a student’s GPA at Century except for some special programs that require the calculation of GPA for application/admission to the program, such as Nursing and Radiologic Technology. Only earned transfer credits (not grade point credits or grade points) will be recorded on the official Century College transcript.

Transfer Complete MnTC

Transfer out from Century

Minnesota State provides that the Associate in Arts Degree and MnTC from Century College will satisfy all the lower-division general education requirements of any state university.

Individual MnTC courses will transfer to fulfill the same goal at any Minnesota State college or university. If the goal is completed at one Minnesota State institution, that goal will be considered complete at any other Minnesota State institution.

University of Minnesota

An agreement with the University of Minnesota provides that an Associate in Arts Degree or MnTC will satisfy the Liberal Education requirements.

Private and Out-Of-State Schools

Century has agreements with the following private and out-of-state schools that transfer the AA degree and MnTC:

  • Augsburg College
  • College of St. Scholastica
  • Concordia University-St. Paul
  • North Dakota State University
  • St. Catherine University
  • University of North Dakota
  • University of St. Thomas
  • University of Wisconsin-River Falls
  • University of Wisconsin-Stout

These agreements do not guarantee the transfer of every course or eliminate the need to plan for pre-major requirements.